Deciding to get a divorce is a big decision and will shape the future for both you and your family. With a Skylark Hill divorce solicitor, Wembley families benefit from our years of knowledge and experience. If you are considering a divorce, consult a London family law solicitor. We help you understand the filing process for a divorce and what to expect as your divorce progresses. Here are some key areas where our expert solicitors can help:
Filing Procedure
At Skylark Hill, our solicitors understand that divorce looks different for every couple. Our family law solicitors guide you through each stage of the filing process with the competency and understanding you need. We begin by helping you apply for divorce, either with a sole application (alone) or a joint application (with your spouse.) For sole applications, your spouse will be served papers and will have 2 weeks to respond. You will then need to wait for 20 weeks in a reflection period before continuing with your divorce.
Divorce Timeline and Expectations
Here is a rough timeline so you know what to expect from your divorce. First, you will work with your Skylark Hill divorce lawyer to confirm your eligibility for divorce. You will then file a joint application with your partner or a sole application and pay the court fee. Your spouse will have 14 days to acknowledge receipt if you have filed a sole application. You must wait 20 weeks in a mandatory reflection period before applying for a Conditional Order that provides you with a Certificate of Entitlement for divorce. After 6 weeks, you can apply for the Final Order that confirms your divorce.
On average, a divorce in Wembley can take 6 to 12 months to finalise. This will vary based on individual circumstances, such as child custody arrangements and financial agreements, and whether or not your divorce needs to go to court.
Navigating the Legal Procedures
With a Skylark Hill divorce lawyer, Wembley residents get the help they need to navigate the legalities of divorce in the UK. For example, your solicitor will be able to assist in ensuring you are eligible for divorce. You must be able to demonstrate that you have been married to your partner for at least 1 year and the relationship has broken down permanently. You will also need your marriage certificate and contact details for your partner, including an email address.