With a Skylark Hill divorce solicitor, Harrow families are backed by our knowledge of the divorce process and our years of dedication to helping local families with our experienced legal services. At Skylark Hill, we understand that divorce is often difficult, and complicated legal processes can exacerbate this. Our divorce lawyers guide you through each step of the process, but here is what you should know before you begin:
Legal Grounds for Divorce in the UK
To get a divorce in the UK, you must first prove that you meet some legal requirements. With a Skylark Hill divorce lawyer, Harrow couples have someone on their side who can help them understand if they have legal grounds for divorce. In order to get a divorce, you must be able to prove that you have been married to your partner for at least 1 year and that your relationship has permanently broken down. You will also need to provide your marriage certificate and contact details for your partner.
Steps to Initiate Divorce Proceedings
Every divorce, like every family, is different. Your Skylark Hill solicitor will guide you through each step you need to take to initiate divorce proceedings as they relate to your unique situation. You will start by completing a joint application for divorce if the divorce is a mutually agreed upon decision by both spouses or a sole application if the divorce is something you wish to initiate alone. If you have filled out a sole application, your spouse will receive divorce papers at this point and have 14 days to respond. There will then be a 20-week reflection period before you can apply for a Conditional Order and confirm eligibility for divorce.
Timeline and What to Expect
To get a divorce, you must fill out either a sole or joint application and pay the court fee. If you have completed a sole application, your partner will be served divorce papers and have 2 weeks to respond. After a 20-week reflection period, you can apply for a Conditional Order that gives you a Certificate of Entitlement for divorce. 6 weeks after this, you can apply for a Final Order confirming your divorce.
Usually, a divorce in Harrow takes 6 to 12 months to be finalised. This timeline can be slightly different for each family as there may be child arrangements to make and complicated financial settlements to agree upon. The timeline may also be extended if agreements cannot be made during negotiations and need to go to court to reach a consensus.
Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
With their Skylark Hill divorce solicitor, Harrow families will be encouraged to explore mediation and non-court dispute resolution (NCDR) to resolve any conflicts concerning their divorce (such as financial or children agreements.) Mediation is when a neutral third party works to help you and your spouse to reach agreements. This is usually a quicker and cheaper option than going to court.
Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) is often a legal requirement before couples take their divorce cases to court. Our experienced solicitors at Skylark Hill will gladly guide you through the mediation process and can help explore alternative dispute resolution methods.